Vue CLI Install: Your Step-by-Step Guide for 2020

How to install Vue JS 2020 | Install Vue Project with CLI

How to install Vue JS 2020 | Vue cli Install
How to install Vue JS 2020 | Vue cli Install

                    Hi , in this article you are going to learn How to install vue js using CLI ( command line interface ) .This is gonna be super easy and step by step tutorial for beginners . Vue JS is one of the trending JS front-end framework that every js programmer should try . Let's see how to install Vue JS using command line interface .

                  To install Vue JS on your system follow the below steps --

Step 1 : Install node JS :

                       First we need to install node JS in our system . To install node js visit node js official site and download node JS current version .

Step 2 : Installing Vue JS :

                        After installing node JS , simply open your command prompt and enter the below command to install Vue JS in your system . 

     For windows system :

npm install -g vue-cli

     For Mac OS and Linux :

sudo npm install -g vue-cli

How to install Vue JS 2020 | Vue cli Install
Install vue js globally

                This command will install vue js in your system globally and now vue js is installed on your system and you are ready create a vue js project / app .

Step 3 : Install Vue JS Project :

               As you have successfully installed Vue JS in your system , now you can create vue js projects using cli . There are basically 6 types of Vue JS project templates which are listed below and its depends on you that which template you will use .But for beginners i will recommend to use the third-one .

  • webpack
  • pwa
  • webpack-simple
  • simple
  • browserify
  • browserify-simple

      Use the following command to install a new Vue JS project --

vue init webpack-simple project_name

        After entering the above command it will ask for the following things , just enter it according to you

  • project name
  • project description
  • Author
  • Licence
  • Uce sass


How to install Vue JS 2020 | Vue cli Install
Installing vue js project

    After that use the following commands --

cd project_name

npm install

             After hitting npm install command it might take some time and install all dependencies for your project like it will create a package.json file with all dependencies .

Step 4 : Run your Project :

           After npm install just enter the following command to start the server and to run your project on browser .

npm run dev

How to install Vue JS 2020 | Vue cli Install
Executing project with local server

Now your project is ready .

Thank you for reading this article -:)

Hope it helped you -:)

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