How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained

How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Multiple Authentication in Laravel

How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained
How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained

                  In this article , You are going to learn what is laravel multiple authentication system . We are going to use multi auth package to make it more simple than doing it manually. There are many ways available to create a multi authentication system in your laravel project . But in this article we are going to see the most easiest way to create a multi authentication system in laravel .

                  We are going to use an github package from Bitfumes . We don't need about the middleware and any other internal thing , this package will take care of all for multiple authentication . This tutorial is totally for beginners , in this article we just gonna learn how can you use Laravel multi auth package in your package and use it .

                 In this article we will be using laravel 7 but if you are using laravel 5/6 , the steps will be same . So let's see what are the steps to use multi auth package in laravel.

Steps to be Followed :

  1. What is Multi Auth in Laravel
  2. Create a Laravel Project
  3. Setup database
  4. Installing Multi Auth package
  5. Check whether the Package works or not

Step 1 : What is Multi Auth in Laravel :

                         We can simply say use of multiple authentication in a laravel project provides different class of users to access different parts of a single application . Multi Authentication makes our app more secure and reliable , we don't need to create different database for different users . if your app has multiple access types like Super Admin , Admin ,User , Author etc. then you should definiately use multi auth system and obviousely it will be a bit complicated for beginners while doing it manually . so let's implement multi authentication in our project practically .

Step 2 : Create a Laravel Project :

                         Use the following command a create your Laravel Project :-

composer create-project laravel/laravel project_name

Step 3 : Setup Database :

                         So the next step is to create a database and connect it to your project in the .env fie on your project like the following . make the following changes on your .env file to connect your database.


How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained
.env file cofiguration

How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained

Step 4 : Install Multi Auth Package :

                    Use the following command to install Laravel Multi Auth Package in your Project .

composer require bitfumes/laravel-multiauth

                  Make sure you have setup your database connection on your .env file before using the below command . It will take some time and migrate all the tables required for authentication . It will install all bootstrap UI components that are required and also publish them for our project .

php artisan multiauth:install

                    You can visit the official website of this package to read full documentation of this package by clicking here .

Step 5 : Check Whether package works or not :

                  To check whether package works or not simply visit '/admin' in your url like following and check whether a beautiful login form appears or not .


How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained
Login page after installing the package

  Check Your Database :

              Check your database which is connected to your project and you will see some tables has been created like following .

How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained
Database after migration

Login Credentials :

               Now your are the super admin of your project and you need login id and password for logging in . So the following are your login id and password for login . to your project .

Login ID :

Password : secret123

               After login you can create different class of users and assign them different roles and permission . So this is all for this article if you want to know more about this authentication you can simply visit the official site of this package .

How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained
Registering new Admin

How to use Laravel Multi Auth Package | Step by Step Explained
After adding new admin 

                              This article is for Laravel 7/6/5 .If you have any query regarding multi auth in Laravel feel free to comment . This is the easiest way for beginners to use multi auth package in laravel .

Thank you for reading this article -:) 

Hope it Helps your -:)

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