Fixing Laravel 7 Issue: Sending Messages with No Sender

How to Solve Reset password Error in Laravel | Can Not Send Message Without A Sender Address Exception Swift_transportexception

[SOLVED] Cannot send message without a sender address | Laravel 7

In this article we are going to solve the common problem arises in Laravel 7 | 6 | 5 that is during the reset password . While using Laravel default Authentication system When you are clicking on reset password it show an error " Cannot send message without a sender address " . 

This is a common error that arises sometimes when you connecting your mail server with your project for the first time .

In this article we will taking the example of and this method is also similar for Google Mail as well.  Just follow the following steps and definitely your error will be solved .

Step :1 

Log in to your Mailtrap accout and check whether your Mail configuration in " .env  " file is same as in your id as shown in the following .

Project \ .env :


[SOLVED] Cannot send message without a sender address | Laravel 7

[SOLVED] Cannot send message without a sender address | Laravel 7

Step 2 : 

       After checking that step-1 is done then just open your command prompt and get inside your project directory and enter the following commands one by one .

php artisan cache:clear

php artisan route:cache

php artisan view:clear

php artisan config:cache

You can also try this single command if you don't want use these above commands .

php artisan optimize

It's done , now you simply restart your server and check again it will work fine . If you are still getting any issues regarding this you can simply comment below i will get back to you as soon as possible .

[SOLVED] Cannot send message without a sender address | Laravel 7

The error " Cannot send message without a sender address " is basically happens when we are working with our " .env " file and we are not clearing our cache almost all the times to avoid such kind of errors you just need to clear your cache .

Thank you for reading this article 😊

For any query do not hesitate to comment 😊

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